Story World Building

I do believe I've mentioned this little title before. As I have said, it's a nasty little thing, but incredibly fun at times. XD 

At the moment, I have so much world building to do for the Assassin's remorse, it's not funny. (Little, tiny spoiler here...) 
for one scene, I had to do research for snake bites, Echinacea (it's a plant, if you don't know), how long it takes for a wound to become infected, and I had to create a whole new snake... -_- The problems of creating a fantasy world. :P 

So, right now, I am creating a language for my Elves in the Assassin's Remorse, I have to design their cultural life, create the wizards a little deeper, bring more life to the Half-lings, and actually figure out what is going to happen in book two. And, you just got a glimpse of stuff inside the story. ;D 

But, I love it all. Creating different worlds, people and lives is such a satisfying thing for me. I'm grateful that God gave me this gift. (Even though I have problems with my hand from writing so much.) ;D 
I promise, I will have information about the Assassin's Remorse soon. I just need to get some stuff finished up. :) 

Oh! And for those who also enjoy world building, a book that I really recommend having is... 

I use this book sooooo often! It's incredible to have! :D Every fictional author should definitely have this book. ;D
Enjoy the rest of your week! :D


  1. Shoot! I'll work on the synopsis and then I'll try *crossed fingers* to scan it to you. By the way, is that very interesting sounding snake...incident in book 2? 'Cause, as your official reader-for-no-other-purpose-except-to-read-your-fantastic-stories, it sounds amazing!!!!!!!!!!! You know, just saying. :)

    1. That's okay. :D Yup! Haha! I'm glad you're excited for the second. Gives me something to keep me going. I'm stuck at the moment. XD


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