When Your Story Won't Talk to You
There are days when it'll seem like all motivation, inspiration, and words abandon you completely. These days can be rough, I get a lot. They normally include some staring at a blank computer screen, gibberish, and some headbanging on my part.
But how do you combat those days?
A couple things I do, (warning: with one of these things, you have to be extremely careful, or else you'll get sucked in and abandon your writing completely!)
- re-read what all I just wrote,
- think of one word, or ask someone else for one word, and see how you can build off that one word.
- (Please read warning above!) I'll go to my friends Pinterest board, and look at pictures of around my story's time period, get inspiration for a new scene, and I'll get excited to keep writing.
The reason I put a warning on the last one, like I said before, you might end up getting sucked into the un-merciful, un-yielding grip of the internet with pretty pictures!!!!
Kay. Back on track.
Sometimes, when you get held up, just by putting one word down, and another, and another,and another, will eventually lead you somewhere.
You can never see the whole mountain you're climbing, but, if you put one foot in front of the other, you'll reach the top and see a view even grander than the mountain.
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