Writing Updates


   I'm so terrible! I missed two posts in a row!!! X( Well, I do have an excuse..... I forgot. There. That's my brilliant excuse. XD

   I've been pretty busy with all my writing. I finished writing the Assassin's Journey, which is book two in my series Losing the Assassins Way, and am working on editing the first. I'll begin editing the second shortly. :)

   I'm still working on writing Evidence for Angels 2. This one has been super difficult. I think that it's because of the amount of depression that my MC is going through. *spoiler* I personally have never gone through anything like this, even though I weave little bits of my experiences into the story. Writing what you don't know, is really hard, but trying to figure out what it's like to go through such hard depression, is even harder. It's not like you want to ask someone you know who's gone through this, 'hey, what's it like being depressed?'.... probably not such a great idea. So, I am making my way through this book slowly, and painfully. On both my part, and Tegan's.

   I'm still working on kind of marketing Evidence for Angels 1, and that's still pretty hard. I now understand why people say that self-publishing is a lot of work. Maybe sometime in the future, I'll be able to go traditional. :)

   Soooo..... do I have any pieces of advice that I have learned this week? Or... these three weeks? *cough, cough*

   I would say... keep at it. And when your brain starts to dry up, and you're feeling frustrated, take a step back. I've had to do that lately, and it is helping to some degree. :)

   Not sure if this post helped with anything or not, but just so you know, I am still alive. ;P

Keep writing. :)


  1. Whew! I was starting to worry that you'd worked yourself to death over who Tayila gets...*cough, cough* XD Glad to see you made it through and will be looking forward to reading TAR 2. (How's 100-4-100 going? Your advice fits my situation with it perfectly, btw.:)

    1. Hehe! Nope. XD *evil chuckle* Thanks! Can't wait to share it! :D Uuuuggghhh. Don't even ask. -_- ;P I'm glad it helped! I felt like I was kind of rambling. XD


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